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Family Level Calculator

A Japanese website hosts an online Family Level Calculator for Granado Espada. (JavaScript must be enabled.) This is useful to see how much more levels a character needs (or a new character adds) to level up the family.

Each row denotes one quarter/barrack (バラック), with 9 columns (1 for each character) and 2 sub-rows. Input character level into the top blue sub-row (レベル). Clicking out of the input box will cause the bottom yellow sub-row to calculate family points (家門p). Veterans and experts should input their levels according to each 10%. For example, a 45% veteran will be level 104, while a 21% expert will be level 112.

At the very end of the table, there are two calculated figures. The left box shows the family level (家門レベル), excluding clan/faction involvement. The right box shows the total family points (合計家門ポイント).

Edit: This calculator should be accurate before v3.2 where family points were changed for veterans and above.
