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Kurt's Baron Search

I can't remember which version this side quest was first added, but it should be in Viron update. As I did this side quest a long time ago, I thought I have already posted a guide, but it seems I didn't and there didn't seem to be an English guide anywhere. In v27.67.68, you no longer need to include Kurt in the team, and acquisition of Kurt's Favor Rate is doubled.

The Message of Johnny
Prerequisites: Completed Adelina's Atonement side quests.
  1. Trigger quest mail by moving to Los Toldos. 
    • Talk to Mamons in Porto Bello Deserted Quay (E3) to enter Los Toldos. You must have an active Otite Perfume or at least Baron Lv.1. See Baron System for more on baron mode.
  2. Talk to Johnny in Los Toldos.

The Promise of Baron (1-3)
Prerequisites: Completed the quests above.
  1. Talk to Oswalts in Viron (H11).
  2. Trigger quest item (Cursed Pistol) acquisition in Curse of Red Sunset Forest (K5) party mission.
    • You do not need to complete the mission. A party mission requires at least 5 participants.
  3. Talk to Johnny in Los Toldos.

Look for Losewalts (1-2)
Prerequisites: Completed the quests above.
Reward: Soul Crystal (Event) x3.
  1. Talk to Johnny in Los Toldos for reward.
  2. Talk to Johnny in Los Toldos for reward on the next day to increase Kurt's Favor Rate.
  3. Repeat Step 2 until Kurt's Favor Rate reaches 100. You can check favor rates in Family Information (Alt+R) window.
  4. Talk to Gloomy Old Man in Los Toldos.
This side quest is required for The Promise of Barons scenario.

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