SNW 71: Leveling Week
Visca (Grace) reached Expert Lv.4, "graduating" from Bahamar Marsh since Giant Snails (Lv.107) are no longer optimal (i.e. yellow-named) for her. Romina took to the marshes in her stead, eventually reaching Expert Lv.4 as well. After getting spanked for not looting any last week, Cthulhu (Poppet) looted 4 Snail Shells this week. Swamp Angler also dropped another Symbol of Scorpio.
Thanks to Amalielle family, Combat Manual: Medium (80%) 1-day, currently timeless until fixed, was acquired on the 11th Andre's Portmanteau II. The drops from the previous 10 boxes were:
- Lv.90 (920k) EXP Card x2
- Lv.92 Enchantment Chip
- Lv.100 Enchantment Chip
- Black Samurai Armor Costume (m/fig)
- Black Samurai Armor Costume (f/fig)
- 5 Upgrade Accelerators x2
- Rose Camellia Costume
- Elite Storm Cockatrice Spinelle
A few days later, they found Daemon Sword as their 34th Fire Isle Treasure in Zone 2.
There were 6 disconnections experienced this week. The server has been screwing around with me for the past few weeks.
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