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ABS: The Zodiac

ABS has been updated for sGE. From now on, ABS will be valid only for 14 days after top-up.

Now, for jGE's exclusive items it will no longer appear in the loot table for ABS. This is because these exclusive items have production costs and it would be unfair to both jGE and IMC to give it away through free bonuses. Therefore, these exclusive items (costumes, weapons, etc) will be making its way to the cash shop either direct sales or through a cheaper random box. This will apply for the other upcoming costumes as well.

That said, the new direction for ABS will be items that can be farmed, be it materials, recipes, equipments, etc. We understand that this initiative may not appeal to all sGE gamers, but we will try our best to make the upcoming loot tables fair for everyone. [Source]

For this update, the top loots are Dragon Heart Recipe, Le Noir Recipes, Constellation Symbols, Enhanced RES Necklaces, Ringmaster's Secret Key, Key of Vergo, and ABS x50.

Other stuffs include Arsene Circus Tickets, Pet Box (Pan Pan & Pigling), Old Chess Piece, Snail Skin, Growth Stone (100k feso), etc. There will also be a blank item, which means you get nothing. See [ABS] The Zodiac for more details.

Update: Added sample ABS and estimated drop rates... For more samples of drop rates, see the discussion topic here.

930 searches
no top loot
1 vergo key
no LN rec
no symbols
no necklaces
no growth stones
no ultimate gems
no MA/LG/SS/OCP/garim skin
2 piglings
1 panpan
1 lightning orb
1 fire orb
1 red ticket
3 symbol of garim
some crappy keys
and a ton of every other bloody possible item to get
i feel cheated [Source]

529 Searches.

1 Necklace, lotsa pots.
lotsa pandora crystal.
Green and Blue ticket.
lotsa Secret Tower Keys.
ONE! Rune - AN.
ONE! Rune - AR.
Lots of return sheets.

I need to pray to god of gamble. Someone in Rembrandt had gotten Aqua in 60 searches, and LN fighter in less than 200 searches. What luck I have. ):
Oh well at least I haz my pots D:
Thought, I do want new costumes and hairs in ABS >___> [Source]
