Lifted Cursed Pattern
This mission was first introduced in v6.3. The most recent revision was in v23.63.43 as part of Armonia Final Episode. Featured loot include Dream of Devil and Magic Accessory Recipes.
This mission guide is based on v23.97.53 American game client.

Mission Information
Location: Viron (I9)
Frequency: 1/day
Duration: 30 minutes
Participants: 3-12
Entry Cost: None
Requirement: None
1. Preparations
No tank is needed. All attackers should have anti-human weapons. Summoners are good here as the summoned monsters can distract the enemies and are less likely to be affected by the negative statuses.
If the squad is strong enough, you can usually bull-doze your way through this mission in 5 minutes or less. In this case, simply kill everyone. But if the level is too high and/or squad is weak/small, you may want to take some precautions.
The cursed enemy's level and treasure chest depends on the average Crow Forest Gate Keeper Favor Rate of all participants. Therefore, you can make the mission easier by including more players with low favor rate, or vice versa.
There are 51 possible cursed enemies, out of which 10 are randomly selected. They include Claude, Grace, M'Boma, Gracielo, Rio, Lisa, Brunie, Baek Ho, Irawan, Andre, Gurtrude, Lorch, Grandma, Romina, Tiburon, Ramiro, Diego (Yeganeh), Jack, Nar, Ania, Karjalainen, Selva, Edward, Kurt, Hellena, Calyce, Soso, Garcia, Alejandro, Jose, Raven, Red Hair Fighter (Grandies), Ludin, Leonele, Daria, Natalie, Beatrice, Marchetti, Veronif, JD, Heiran, Soho, Cano, Mary, Barrel, Vincent, Adriana, Adelina, Cruz, Tora, and Ion. Red Hair Fighter will only appear from Lv.133 and above.
2. Kill Cursed Enemies
At the start, a zone notice will say: Defeat the people who are put under the Raven Curse. There will be some Reboldoeux Soldiers helping you, but they are useless and die really fast. Quickly buff up while the soldiers are getting killed by the cursed enemies.
If necessary, run to different ends of the map, so as to reduce the number of enemies you have to deal with simultaneously.
Cursed enemies can inflict various negative statuses, and they seem to ignore Abnormal State RES. Some can also buff themselves with other statuses. The following cursed enemies inflict statuses which are noteworthy:
When all enemies are defeated, a zone notice will say: You have released people from the Raven Curse. If there does not seem to be any enemy left and yet the mission has not ended, run around to check the corners of the map. Calyce is probably still hiding somewhere invisibly with her Silent Move skill.
The cursed enemies drop nothing. The treasure chest type and bonus roulette cost varies according to the level of cursed enemies. At Lv.131, bonus roulette costs 4,000,000 Vis. At Lv.133, bonus roulette costs 5,000,000 Vis.
Each time you completed this mission, your Crow Forest Gate Keeper Favor Rate will increase by +1.
The roulette reward include the following items, depending on the type of Treasure Box.
There is also a low chance that a large Event Box will appear instead of the regular Treasure Box. The content does not appear to be different, but bonus roulette is cheaper. See here for an old screenshot of it.
Related Links
Crow Raid Level 131 (Serenity Faction) (Outdated Roulette Reward)
This mission guide is based on v23.97.53 American game client.
Location: Viron (I9)
Frequency: 1/day
Duration: 30 minutes
Participants: 3-12
Entry Cost: None
Requirement: None
1. Preparations
No tank is needed. All attackers should have anti-human weapons. Summoners are good here as the summoned monsters can distract the enemies and are less likely to be affected by the negative statuses.
If the squad is strong enough, you can usually bull-doze your way through this mission in 5 minutes or less. In this case, simply kill everyone. But if the level is too high and/or squad is weak/small, you may want to take some precautions.
The cursed enemy's level and treasure chest depends on the average Crow Forest Gate Keeper Favor Rate of all participants. Therefore, you can make the mission easier by including more players with low favor rate, or vice versa.
There are 51 possible cursed enemies, out of which 10 are randomly selected. They include Claude, Grace, M'Boma, Gracielo, Rio, Lisa, Brunie, Baek Ho, Irawan, Andre, Gurtrude, Lorch, Grandma, Romina, Tiburon, Ramiro, Diego (Yeganeh), Jack, Nar, Ania, Karjalainen, Selva, Edward, Kurt, Hellena, Calyce, Soso, Garcia, Alejandro, Jose, Raven, Red Hair Fighter (Grandies), Ludin, Leonele, Daria, Natalie, Beatrice, Marchetti, Veronif, JD, Heiran, Soho, Cano, Mary, Barrel, Vincent, Adriana, Adelina, Cruz, Tora, and Ion. Red Hair Fighter will only appear from Lv.133 and above.
2. Kill Cursed Enemies
At the start, a zone notice will say: Defeat the people who are put under the Raven Curse. There will be some Reboldoeux Soldiers helping you, but they are useless and die really fast. Quickly buff up while the soldiers are getting killed by the cursed enemies.
Level ATK Rating DEF Rating | 90 47 47 | Size ATK DEF | Medium 1,140 88 | HP/Element Penetration Immune/RES | 34,200 0 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 0 30 ❆ 30 30 ♥ 30 |
If necessary, run to different ends of the map, so as to reduce the number of enemies you have to deal with simultaneously.
Cursed enemies can inflict various negative statuses, and they seem to ignore Abnormal State RES. Some can also buff themselves with other statuses. The following cursed enemies inflict statuses which are noteworthy:
- Cursed Gracielo, Selva, and Alejandro can inflict Electric Shock status, reducing your DEF significantly. Kill them first if squad members are dying often.
- Red Hair Fighter can inflict Curse status, which causes you to take triple normal damage. This can be deadly when stacked with Electric Shock status.
- Cursed Grace can inflict Fear status in a very big area, which disables everyone's attacks.
- Cursed Kurt can inflict Distraction status, which disables your attacks and item usage along with DEF -40.
- Cursed Gurtrude can inflict Petrify status, which disables your attacks and item usage. Remove with Refresh Mind skill.
- Cursed Soso can inflict Freeze status to disable your character. Remove with Recover skill.
- Cursed Grandma can buff Protection Field status. Remove with Whole Cancellation skill, or kill her with magic attackers.
Level ATK Rating DEF Rating | 123 68 63 | Size ATK DEF | Small 4,539 286 | HP/Element Penetration Immune/RES | 10,677,240 50 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 0 0 ❆ 50 50 ♥ 50 |
Level ATK Rating DEF Rating | 129 66 66 | Size ATK DEF | Small 15,019 223 | HP/Element Penetration Immune/RES | 9,167,328 0 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 0 70 ❆ 70 70 ♥ 70 |
Level ATK Rating DEF Rating | 131 67 67 | Size ATK DEF | Small 2,219 188 | HP/Element Penetration Immune/RES | 8,207,892 65 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 0 70 ❆ 70 70 ♥ 70 |
Level ATK Rating DEF Rating | 132 73 68 | Size ATK DEF | Small 6,566 380 | HP/Element Penetration Immune/RES | 18,975,744 25 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 0 -10 ❆ 30 30 ♥ 50 |
Level ATK Rating DEF Rating | 133 73 67 | Size ATK DEF | Small 12,393 180 | HP/Element Penetration Immune/RES | 14,393,808 65 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 0 70 ❆ 70 70 ♥ 70 |
Level ATK Rating DEF Rating | 134 75 69 | Size ATK DEF | Small 6,652 231 | HP/Element Penetration Immune/RES | 9,704,448 5 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 0 40 ❆ 40 40 ♥ 50 |
Level ATK Rating DEF Rating | 135 74 69 | Size ATK DEF | Small 9,765 387 | HP/Element Penetration Immune/RES | 17,173,800 25 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 0 30 ❆ 30 10 ♥ 50 |
Level ATK Rating DEF Rating | 136 75 70 | Size ATK DEF | Small 9,266 312 | HP/Element Penetration Immune/RES | 14,884,992 10 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 0 40 ❆ 40 40 ♥ 50 |
Level ATK Rating DEF Rating | 137 75 69 | Size ATK DEF | Small 10,880 372 | HP/Element Penetration Immune/RES | 15,050,448 10 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 0 60 ❆ 60 60 ♥ 50 |
Level ATK Rating DEF Rating | 138 76 71 | Size ATK DEF | Small 6,399 395 | HP/Element Penetration Immune/RES | 17,752,896 25 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 0 30 ❆ 40 50 ♥ 50 |
When all enemies are defeated, a zone notice will say: You have released people from the Raven Curse. If there does not seem to be any enemy left and yet the mission has not ended, run around to check the corners of the map. Calyce is probably still hiding somewhere invisibly with her Silent Move skill.
The cursed enemies drop nothing. The treasure chest type and bonus roulette cost varies according to the level of cursed enemies. At Lv.131, bonus roulette costs 4,000,000 Vis. At Lv.133, bonus roulette costs 5,000,000 Vis.
Each time you completed this mission, your Crow Forest Gate Keeper Favor Rate will increase by +1.
Level | Treasure Box | Level | Treasure Box |
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 | Green Elite Green Legendary Green Heavenly Green Devilish Green Red Elite Red | 127 128 129 131 133 135 137+ | White Black Gold Heavenly Gold Dark Elite Dark Legendary Dark |
The roulette reward include the following items, depending on the type of Treasure Box.
Dream of Devil x3 (Lv.135) Dream of Devil x1 (Lv.129) Recipe - Magic Gloves (Lv.129) Recipe - Magic Boots (Lv.129) Recipe - Magic Earring (Lv.129) Recipe - Magic Belt (Lv.129) Recipe - Crafted RES Necklace (Lv.129) Recipe - Elite Le Noir/General Plate (Lv.129) Recipe - Artisan Gloves Recipe - Artisan Boots Recipe - Artisan Belt Recipe - Artisan Earring Recipe - Lv.100 AR32 Weapon (Lv.126) Recipe - Cut RES Necklace (Lv.126) Recipe - Elite Le Blanc (Lv.126) | Dragon Heart Seed of Rafflesia Scale of Siren Heart of Archangel Lv.100 AR30 Weapon Lv.100 AR32 Weapon (Lv.129) Old Chess Piece x3 (Lv.126) Piece of Elite Bracelet x3 (Lv.126) Enchantment Chip Lv.100 x3 (Lv.126) Enchantment Chip Veteran x1 Enchantment Chip Veteran x3 Constellation Box Letizia Shiny Box Shiny Crystal Chest Honor Card B/C/D/G Piece of Naraka (Lv.126) |
There is also a low chance that a large Event Box will appear instead of the regular Treasure Box. The content does not appear to be different, but bonus roulette is cheaper. See here for an old screenshot of it.
Related Links
Crow Raid Level 131 (Serenity Faction) (Outdated Roulette Reward)
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