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Patch Party Emblems

The family and party emblems have never worked for American server, probably because T3Fun can't be bothered to set up a server for players to upload their own emblems. Other servers allow uploading of emblems, but the emblems may not be working properly for bonus roulette and single roulette.

This modification is necessary for the bonus roulette and single-item roulette (e.g. Letizia's Shiny Box) to use the URL defined by client.xml file (see Part II below). If your game client already shows the emblems properly for both the bonus roulette and single-item roulette, skip to Part II.

For SEA server, if you are using the ui.ipf file from here, the modifications are already included. Otherwise, do the following:
  1. Extract ui.ipf with GE Tools.
    • For SEA server, use ui00041.ipf instead.
  2. Open singlerullet.xml in Granado Espada\ge\ui\uixml folder with Notepad.
  3. Find the line which begins with <webpicture (usually line 5) and replace url="http://someipaddress.com/files/Party_emblem/%s_%s.JPG" with urlName="PartyEmblem". Save the file.
  4. Open retryrullet.xml in Granado Espada\ge\ui\uixml folder with Notepad.
  5. Find the line which begins with <webpicture (usually line 5) and replace url="http://someipaddress.com/files/Party_emblem/%s_%s.JPG" with urlName="PartyEmblem". Save the file.
  6. Create ui.ipf with GE Tools out of Granado Espada\ge\ui folder. Backup original file, if desired.
The line that required modification should look similar to this by default:
<webpicture name="PartyEmblem" rect="10 10 64 64" image="6464.bmp" imgrect="0 0 64 64" url="" param1="world_id" param2="party_id"/>
Note: I have encountered errors with truncated file names when trying to add files directly to IPF for this operation. For this reason, the above steps ask you to fully extract the file before recompiling it, instead of simply using the Add To IPF function.

If you wish to use the existing emblems for your server, skip this part. Otherwise, do the following:
  1. Open client.xml in Granado Espada\release folder with Notepad.
  2. Go to the line which begins with <URLList (usually line 8).
  3. Replace http://someipaddress/files/Party_emblem/%s_%s.JPG with the URL for your custom faction emblems (e.g. http://mydomain.com/myfolder1/%s_%s.jpg).
  4. Replace http://someipaddress/files/Commander_emblem/%s_%s.JPG with the URL for your custom family emblems (e.g. http://mydomain.com/myfolder2/%s_%s.jpg).
  5. Save the file.
The line that required modification should look similar to this by default:
<URLList URL1="" URL1Name="PartyEmblem" URL2="" URL2Name="CommanderEmblem"/>
If you do not want to host your own image files, you can use the emblems from Japan, Europe, or SEA server and skip Part III. The URLs are listed below. Note that Japan server may require VPN to bypass IP block.
<URLList URL1="http://old-ge.hanbitstation.jp/ftp_data/emblem/%s_%s.JPG" URL1Name="PartyEmblem" URL2="http://old-ge.hanbitstation.jp/ftp_data/commander_emblem/%s_%s.JPG" URL2Name="CommanderEmblem"/>

<URLList URL1="http://www.granado-espada.eu/files/party_Emblem/%s_%s.jpg" URL1Name="PartyEmblem" URL2="http://www.granado-espada.eu/files/commander_Emblem/%s_%s.JPG" URL2Name="CommanderEmblem"/>

<URLList URL1="" URL1Name="PartyEmblem" URL2="" URL2Name="CommanderEmblem"/>
Note that not every faction/family has a corresponding faction/family of the same id in the other server. For example, if you use Europe server's URL for USA client, Aeon faction (USA) will end up with the emblem of Fraternity faction (Europe) since the two factions share the same server id (1001) and party id (27), therefore both factions use the file 1001_27.jpg.

If you wish to host your own emblem images, your host must support direct URL access and fixed file names. This means most free file hosts (e.g. Imgur, Google Drive, MEGA, MediaFire) cannot be used, since they usually scramble the URL or file names. You can try using Firebase 🔗 instead. Alternatively, just setup your own server. If you want the emblems to work only for yourself, you can even use localhost without making them available outside of your local network. See Part II Step 5 of Private Patch Server to use HTTP File Server 🔗.

About Emblem Images
The image file must be a JPG file with 64x64 pixels. The file name must include 2 numerical variables (%s)—the first is the server id, while the second is the party/family id. USA, Europe, and SEA clients currently have only 1 server each, so the server id is 1001. By default, the files must be named %s_%s.jpg.

You can actually put both party and family emblems in the same folder, but their file names have to be distinct. For example, party emblems could be named %sp%s.jpg and family emblems could be named %sf%s.jpg, replacing "_" (underscore) with "p" (party) and "f" (family).

Finding Id Numbers
If your server already hosts emblems, you can check for id numbers by profiling the family or faction in-game, then look for the image file in Granado Espada\release\user\url folder.

If your server does not host emblems (i.e. USA), you can find the id numbers by uploading numbered emblems when you setup your image host. Then, profile the family or faction in-game to see the id number.

A numbered emblem is basically an image with the id number inside it (e.g. 1001_45.jpg will be an image with the number 45). You need to generate a lot of these numbered emblems, as there can be 2,000+ faction ids (e.g. USA's Plague® faction id is 1949) and 700,000+ family ids. These images are small in size (less than 1KB), so 3,000 images would be less than 3MB.

To automate the generation of such images:
  1. Install ImageMagick 🔗.
  2. Open Notepad to create a new text file.
  3. Copy the commands below and paste into Notepad.
  4. Save the file as generateemblem.bat in an empty folder.
  5. Run generateemblem.bat and input how many images you want to generate.
 If ImageMagick is installed in a different folder, change the path accordingly.
@echo off
"C:\Program Files\ImageMagick\magick.exe" convert -size 64x64 -background lightblue -fill blue -pointsize 1 label:. default.jpg
set /p max=How many images to create?
FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,%max%) DO (
   echo Creating 1001_%%i.jpg...
   "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick\magick.exe" convert default.jpg -gravity center -stroke #000C -strokewidth 4 -pointsize 20 -annotate 0 %%i -stroke none -pointsize 20 -fill white -annotate 0 %%i 1001_%%i.jpg

Once you discovered the id number, you may then replace that specific numbered emblem with the desired image in the server. For your convenience, the following is a list of some USA faction id numbers:

Aeon 27
Bushido 1847
Calacirian 77
Candy 365
ChaoPhraya 1670
Cthulhu 1127
Dark_Avalon 30
ElysiumPrime 1042
Evolution 1041
Fun™ 1741
GE Pioneering 2
Halcy 166
Immortal 987
Insigniter™ 1972
Insomnia 76
Leg3ndary™ 1126
Lionheart 109
Matrix 9
MoonLight 576
NoMerci 601
NorthWind 707
PinkWine 442
Plague® 1949
Synergie 531
Templiers 960
TheHaunted 1515
TheOne 435
Ubiquitous 26
Unity 7
Viper 1454
Wolfsbrigade 98
X 1842
Yolo 488
