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Font IPF Pack 1

These fonts should work with any official Granado Espada game client, however non-English characters may or may not be supported. This font pack includes the following fonts:
  1. 2002 (default GE font)
  2. Comfortaa
  3. Conquistador
  4. Dupree
  5. Eurostile
  6. Felt
  7. Fujiyama
  8. Great Escape
  1. Handel Gothic (custom GE Europe font)
  2. Latienne Becker
  3. Lover
  4. Qlassik
  5. Rix Squirrel
  6. Ruluko
  7. Sansation
  8. Segoe UI
The font pack also includes in-game screen shots taken with the various fonts. Some fonts are smaller, thus allowing the text to fit into the quest speech bubbles. Compare the following 2002 (default) font vs. Qlassik font.

  1. Download the font pack - fontipfpack1.zip (5.55 MB).
  2. Close Granado Espada game client, if it is currently running.
  3. Extract the font file (e.g. font_felt.ipf) into C:\Program Files\Granado Espada\ge folder. 
  4. Delete or rename the existing font.ipf file.
  5. Rename the extracted font file (e.g. font_felt.ipf) as font.ipf


  1. You can use absolutely any font, but you have to use a converter for the game client to recognize the format.

  2. Not really. No. Only TTF fonts allowed.


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