Scenario: The Future of Barons
The Future of Barons scenario was added in v27.88.42. This guide is based on USA client (v28.50.39). See Patch Notes for later changes (if any). Thanks to Castiaguard for verifying the alternate routes.
You will need to give/use the following items:
[130][The Future of Barons] Offensive
Prerequisites: Completed The Promise of Barons scenario.
[130][The Future of Barons] Defensive
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
[130][The Future of Barons] Fully Armed
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
[130][The Future of Barons] Weapon Improvement
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
[130][The Future of Barons] Seinquis
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
Reward: Elemental Jewel x1, Shiny Crystal Chest x2, Medal of Honor G x2.
[130][The Future of Barons] Accumulation of Supplies
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
[130][The Future of Barons] There Is A Betrayer Inside
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
Reward: White Gold Bar x5, Veteran G EXP Card x10, Medal of Honor G x2.
[130][The Future of Barons] Attack of Orden
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
[130][The Future of Barons] Treatment for Kurt
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
[130][The Future of Barons] Bloody Seinquis
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
[130][The Future of Barons] An Uncomfortable Reconciliation
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
[130][The Future of Barons] Everything Is There
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
Reward: (a) Elemental Jewel x2, Expert G EXP Card x30, Socket Processing Tranquilizer (Event) x7; (b) Elemental Jewel x2, Custom Wing Premium Shapes (Deadly Cross, Revenant, Wheel of Destiny).
You will need to give/use the following items:
- Otite Perfume (optional) x1 per day (approximately 2)
- Composite Steel x100
- Iron Ore x10
- Reputation Points x4,000 (optional)
- Skull of Spino x3
- Reinforced Leather x100
- Magical Amethyst x3
- Liquefied Gas x3
- Pure Otite x5
- Heaven's Altar Protection (Rank 4)
- Inside the Crater (Rank 4)
- Nest of Garim (Rank 4; optional)
- Griffon (Rank 3)
- Demonic Medusa (Rank 4)
- Lucifer Garden Single - Sauterelle (Rank 5)
- Lucifer Basement Single - Cortes (Rank 5) or Cabeza de Bahia (Rank 4)
- Lucifer Garden Single - Arbremon, Mantara, or Demonic Jurgen (Rank 5)
- Lucifer Basement Single - Cortes or Death Wraith (Rank 5)
- Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
- Bahama Prophet's Forest
- Blood Fog Forest or Crow Forest (optional)
- Ustiur Jungle Area 1/2/3
- Bethel Great Plain
- Bahama Marshlands, Swamp of Darkness, Swamp of Eternity, or Swamp of Peril (optional)
[130][The Future of Barons] Offensive
Prerequisites: Completed The Promise of Barons scenario.
- Trigger quest mail by moving to Los Toldos.
- Talk to Kurt in Los Toldos (B5).
- Talk to Claude in Cite de Reboldoeux (D6) to start a combat mission ("Historically, This Has Been A Remedy", 15 minutes).
- Defeat Claude (human).
- Talk to Claude in Cite de Reboldoeux (D6).
- Collect Scythe Piece of Ice Rufus Reaper (quest item) x100 by killing Ice Rufus Reaper (50%) in Snowfield of the Ice Wizard.
- Talk to Claude in Cite de Reboldoeux (D6) to give the above items.
- Collect Composite Steel x100. This item drops in Viron forest maps.
- Talk to Claude in Cite de Reboldoeux (D6) to give the above items.
- Collect Steel Skin of Divino (quest item) x3 by killing Divino (100%) in Heaven's Altar Protection (Rank 4) mission.
- Talk to Claude in Cite de Reboldoeux (D6) to give the above items.
![]() | Level 135 Size Small HP 10,426,950 |
ATK Rating 70 ATK 29,728 Penetration 25 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 | |
DEF Rating 70 DEF 310 Immunity 0 RES 20 ❆ 20 20 ♥ 50 |
[130][The Future of Barons] Defensive
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
- Talk to Idge in Cite de Reboldoeux (E6) to start a combat mission ("Historically, This Has Been A Remedy (2)", 10 minutes).
- Defeat Idge (human) using a quest version of Claude (MCC1). Your own team will be disabled.
- Tip: Claude uses Tronada Cruz stance. Buff Melt Weapon and Destruido (2nd skill) to deal x1.5 times damage for normal attacks. When Destruido cool-down is done, use Tronada (4th skill) then Levantar (5th skill). Immediately after, re-buff Destruido. Claude's lower ATK Rating means some skill attacks will miss; normal attacks provides a better average damage.
- Tip: His weapon has HP Absorb, so normal attacks recover some HP. Alternatively, when your HP gets below 25%, run away until his HP regenerates, luring her to the fountain area where you can run around in circles.
- Tip: Idge can knock you down, but you can't do the same to her. She can also inflict Stun, Slow, and Armor Destruction (DEF -1%) status.
- Tip: When Idge reaches 50% HP, she improves to ATK 84,197 and ATK/DEF Rating 76.
- Tip: When she reaches 25% HP, she improves further to ATK 94,220 and ATK/DEF Rating 77. At this point, stop using normal attacks as she has one skill that can almost certainly kill you while you are knocked down. Instead, buff Destruido, run away, hit her with Tronada, then run away. Hit her with Levantar and run away. Hit her with Rueda Ventana (1st skill) and run away. Repeat until you win.
- Tip: Interestingly, statistics improvements from Source of Elements carry over to MCC1 quest character.
- Talk to Idge in Cite de Reboldoeux (E6).
- Collect Strong Skin of Golden Honeycomb (quest item) x100 by killing Golden Honeycomb (50%) in Bahama Prophet's Forest.
- Talk to Idge in Cite de Reboldoeux (E6) to give the above items.
- Collect Iron Ore x10.
- Click on Crystal NPC in Castilla Mine or Castilla Relic mission to use Rusty/Hard Pickaxe, which can be bought from Billy in Castilla Base 1 (E3).
- Talk to Idge in Cite de Reboldoeux (E6) to give the above items.
- Collect Armor Piece of Sekhmet (quest item) x2 by killing Sekhmet (100%) in Inside the Crater (Rank 4) mission.
- Talk to Idge in Cite de Reboldoeux (E6) to give the above items.
![]() | Level 145 Size Small HP 18,457,217 |
ATK Rating 75 ATK 80,188 Penetration 55 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 | |
DEF Rating 75 DEF 189 Immunity 35 RES 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 |
![]() | Level 140 Size Small HP 71,728 |
ATK Rating 72 ATK 5,349 Penetration 86 75 ❆ 75 75 ♥ 75 | |
DEF Rating 77 DEF 475 Immunity 81 RES 75 ❆ 75 75 ♥ 75 |
[130][The Future of Barons] Fully Armed
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
- Talk to Adelina in Port of Coimbra (J5) and make a choice:
- Pay 4,000 reputation points. [Skip to the next quest.]
- Do her errands. [Continue with Step 2.]
- Note: Once chosen, the quest route cannot be changed.
- Collect Strong Armor Piece of Reaper Garas (quest item) x150 by killing Reaper Garas (33%) in Crow Forest or Blood Fog Forest.
- Talk to Adelina in Port of Coimbra (J5) to give the above items.
- Collect Strong Tooth of Garim (quest item) x2 by killing Garim (100%) in Nest of Garim (Rank 4) mission.
- Talk to Adelina in Port of Coimbra (J5) to give the above items.
[130][The Future of Barons] Weapon Improvement
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
- Talk to Marcelino in Ustiur Base Camp (E6).
- Collect Tooth of Velociraptor (quest item) x100 by killing Jungle Velociraptor (50%) in Ustiur Jungle Area 1/2/3.
- Talk to Marcelino in Ustiur Base Camp (E6) to give the above items.
- Collect Skull of Spino x3.
- This item is dropped by Spinosaurus (20%) in Ustiur Jungle Area 4.
- Talk to Marcelino in Ustiur Base Camp (E6) to give the above items.
[130][The Future of Barons] Seinquis
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
Reward: Elemental Jewel x1, Shiny Crystal Chest x2, Medal of Honor G x2.
- Talk to Kurt in Los Toldos (B5) for reward.
- Start a non-combat mission ("Seinquis") in Los Toldos (I7).
- Collect Gold Feather of Griffon (quest item) x2 by killing Griffon (100%) in Griffon (Rank 3) mission.
- Collect Eye of Medusa (quest item) x2 by killing Demonic Medusa (100%) in Demonic Medusa (Rank 4) mission.
- Collect Golden Wand of Sauterelle (quest item) x1 by killing Sauterelle (100%) in Lucifer Garden Single - Sauterelle (Rank 5) mission.
- Talk to Kurt in Los Toldos (B5).
- Talk to Oswalt in Viron (H11).
- Talk to Diego (aka Yeganeh) in Cite de Reboldoeux (F8) to give the above items.
[130][The Future of Barons] Accumulation of Supplies
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
- Talk to Kurt in Los Toldos (B5).
- Collect Premium Brawn (quest item) x100 and Premium Bison Meat (quest item) x200 by killing Great Plain Boar (50%) and Great Plain Bison (50%) respectively in Bethel Great Plain.
- Talk to Kurt in Los Toldos (B5) to give the above items.
- Collect Reinforced Leather x100.
- You can buy it from Textile Merchant in Port of Coimbra (J5) for 49,500 Vis. It also drops in Lava Plateau of Joaquin.
- Talk to Kurt in Los Toldos (B5) to give the above items.
- Collect Tongue of Swamp Frogfish (quest item) x1 by killing Swamp Frogfish (100%) in Bahama Marshlands, Swamp of Darkness, Swamp of Eternity, or Swamp of Peril.
- You can buy Frogfish Spinelle from Katherine in Ustiur Base Camp (F5) for 900,000 Vis.
[130][The Future of Barons] There Is A Betrayer Inside
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
Reward: White Gold Bar x5, Veteran G EXP Card x10, Medal of Honor G x2.
- Talk to Kurt in Los Toldos (B5) to give Tongue of Swamp Frogfish (quest item) and receive reward.
- Start a combat mission ("Big Defeat", 30 minutes) in Porto Bello Deserted Quay (G6).
- Defeat all the Regular Soldiers of Countess Lucia (human).
- Kurt will fight for you.
- Talk to Johnny in Los Toldos (I7).
- Talk to Marcelino in Ustiur Base Camp (E6).
- Talk to Diego in Cite de Reboldoeux (F8) and make a choice:
- Yes, we have heard of Violante.
- No, we have not heard of it.
- Note: It doesn't really make a difference what you choose. It just goes on to the next quest anyway.
![]() | Level 137 Size Medium HP 526,765 |
ATK Rating 68 ATK 4,069/3,052 Penetration 50 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 | |
DEF Rating 68 DEF 125 Immunity 0 RES 75 ❆ 75 75 ♥ 75 |
[130][The Future of Barons] Attack of Orden
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
- Start a non-combat mission ("Conspiracy of Violante") in Los Toldos (I7).
- Talk to Kurt in Los Toldos (B5).
- Start a combat mission ("The Curse of Otite", 30 minutes) in Porto Bello Deserted Quay (H9).
- Defeat Kazan (human) and his soldiers (human). Kurt will fight for you, but he must remain alive.
- After a short dialogue, defeat Kurt (human) and Labid (undead).
- Tip: The map is really big, so you can just drag and lure everyone around while you buff or whatever.
![]() | Level 140 Size Small HP 32,400,000 |
ATK Rating 70 ATK 75,427 Penetration 50 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 | |
DEF Rating 70 DEF 256 Immunity 10 RES 75 ❆ 75 75 ♥ 75 |
![]() | Level 135 Size Medium HP 400,722 |
ATK Rating 67 ATK 4,017/3,013 Penetration 50 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 | |
DEF Rating 67 DEF 124 Immunity 0 RES 75 ❆ 75 75 ♥ 75 |
![]() | Level 140 Size Small HP 15,120,000 |
ATK Rating 67 ATK 35,769 Penetration 0 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 | |
DEF Rating 70 DEF 138 Immunity 0 RES 75 ❆ 75 75 ♥ 75 |
![]() | Level 145 Size Small HP 15,949,500 |
ATK Rating 72 ATK 102,465 Penetration 0 0 ❆ 0 0 ♥ 0 | |
DEF Rating 76 DEF 173 Immunity 30 RES 75 ❆ 75 75 ♥ 75 |
![]() | Level 140 Size Small HP 41,040,000 |
ATK Rating 75 ATK 115,200 Penetration 40 40 ❆ 40 40 ♥ 40 | |
DEF Rating 70 DEF 240 Immunity 25 RES 80 ❆ 55 80 ♥ 50 |
[130][The Future of Barons] Treatment for Kurt
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
- Talk to Johnny in Los Toldos (I7).
- Talk to Dr. Torsche in Dr. Torsche's Laboratory (C6/D6).
- Collect Magical Amethyst x3 and Liquefied Gas x3.
- Magical Amethyst is dropped by Vespanola (0.1%) and Elite Vespanola (0.1%) in Tierra Putrefacta, Interna de Bahia, Corazon de Bahia, and Cabeza de Bahia.
- Liquefied Gas is dropped by Red/Green/Blue Elemental (0.05%) in Tierra Putrefacta, Interna de Bahia, and Corazon de Bahia.
- Talk to Dr. Torsche in Dr. Torsche's Laboratory (C6/D6) to give the above items.
- Collect Condensed Stone Gas (quest item) x1 by killing Stone Cortes (100%) in Lucifer Basement Single - Cortes (Rank 5) mission or Brain of Argus (100%) in Cabeza de Bahia (Rank 4) mission.
- Talk to Dr. Torsche in Dr. Torsche's Laboratory (C6/D6) to give the above item.
- Talk to Kurt in Los Toldos (B5).
[130][The Future of Barons] Bloody Seinquis
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
- Talk to Diego in Cite de Reboldoeux (F8).
- Start a non-combat mission ("Everything Is There") in Los Toldos (J8).
- Talk to Kurt in Los Toldos (B5).
- Talk to Diego in Cite de Reboldoeux (F8).
[130][The Future of Barons] An Uncomfortable Reconciliation
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
- Start a ("Independent Action", 30 minutes) in Porto Bello Deserted Quay (F3).
- Defeat Labid (undead), Griffon (wildlife), and Garim (wildlife).
- Tip: They can inflict Enervation, Slow, and Stun statuses.
- Talk to Kurt in Los Toldos (B5).
- Collect the following quest items:
- Life Essence of Montoro (quest item) x1 - Kill Arbremon (100%), Mantara (100%), or Demonic Jurgen (100%) in Lucifer Garden Single (Rank 5) mission.
- Lifeless Essence of Montoro (quest item) x1 - Kill Stone Cortes (100%) or Black Death Wraith (100%) in Lucifer Basement Single (Rank 5) mission.
- Talk to Kurt in Los Toldos (B5) to give the above items.
- Talk to Johnny in Los Toldos (I7).
- Collect Pure Otite x5.
- Talk to Gloomy Old Man in Los Toldos (K8) to take the repeatable Cursed Undead Hunt quest. Each quest rewards 1-5 Pure Otites.
- Talk to Johnny in Los Toldos (I7) to give the above items.
![]() | Level 135 Size Small HP 38,845,500 |
ATK Rating 72 ATK 111,600 Penetration 40 40 ❆ 40 40 ♥ 40 | |
DEF Rating 67 DEF 232 Immunity 25 RES 80 ❆ 55 80 ♥ 50 |
![]() | Level 135 Size Large HP 32,712,000 |
ATK Rating 70 ATK 27,245 Penetration 65 65 ❆ 65 65 ♥ 65 | |
DEF Rating 67 DEF 209 Immunity 20 RES 70 ❆ 70 70 ♥ 70 |
![]() | Level 135 Size Large HP 31,894,200 |
ATK Rating 67 ATK 49,800 Penetration 35 35 ❆ 35 35 ♥ 35 | |
DEF Rating 69 DEF 217 Immunity 20 RES 30 ❆ 60 60 ♥ 60 |
[130][The Future of Barons] Everything Is There
Prerequisites: Complete the quest above.
Reward: (a) Elemental Jewel x2, Expert G EXP Card x30, Socket Processing Tranquilizer (Event) x7; (b) Elemental Jewel x2, Custom Wing Premium Shapes (Deadly Cross, Revenant, Wheel of Destiny).
- Talk to Kurt in Los Toldos (B5) for reward (a).
- Talk to Diego in Cite de Reboldoeux (F8) for reward (b).
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